Imagine Cup Junior 2020: AI for Good

Microsoft asks: Are your students ready to change the world?

Imagine Cup Junior 2020 provides students aged 13 to 18 the opportunity to learn about technology and how it can be used to positively change the world. In 2020, the global challenge is focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI), introducing students to AI and Microsoft’s AI for Good initiatives so they can come up with ideas to solve social, cultural and environmental issues. It’s also a great opportunity to encourage students to develop and practice 21st century skills like communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.

Completed last Unity 3D workshop on Zoom

Successfully completed all Unity 3D Workshops (Introductory1, 2, 3; Intermediate: 1, 2)

Last one had to be conducted online. Many thanks to our participants for sticking it through these difficult days. And thanks to Ruben for making it happen.

Introduction to Unity 3D Game Programming for Teachers (Day 3)

Three-day workshop:  Jan 25, Feb 1, and Feb 22, 2020
Time:  8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Location: FIU Madique Campus

Free, and open only to K-12 teachers.
Students love computer gaming and have become curious about how to create their own games. In this workshop, you learn to use Unity 3D  to create simple games that can easily be transferred to the classroom. Unity is a flexible and powerful development platform for creating simple 3D interactive games and experiences. No prior programming experience is required.

Limited to 25 participants (teachers only).
MyLearningPlan credit will be awarded to MDCPS teachers.

For an invitation to register, contact the Academy by email at